Doguhan Barlas Sevindik
GLT 5.214
Research Area
- Reservoir Simulation
- Coupled THMC Modeling
- CO2 Storage and Sequestration
Doguhan Barlas Sevindik is a Ph.D. student in the Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He earned both his Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from the Middle East Technical University.
Since 2024, he has been collaborating with Professor Ryosuke Okuno on a range of research topics, including numerical reservoir modeling. His current research focuses on CO2 injection and geothermal reservoir development. He previously contributed to the Geothermal Emission Control (GECO) H2020 project as a reservoir modeler and has gained professional experience as a reservoir modeling consultant for multiple geothermal projects in Turkey.
- M.S. in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2023), Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- B.S. in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2021), Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Representative Publications
- Sevindik, D.B., Erol, S., Akin, S., Numerical modeling of the CO2 injection in the Kızıldere geothermal field using multiple inter-well tracer tests, Geothermics, 2024. 10.1016/j.geothermics.2024.102964